
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

THREE Gower’s beaches have retained their Blue Flag status just in time for the late May Bank Holidays.

Caswell Bay, Langland Bay, and Port Eynon have all been awarded the prestigious international Blue Flag status for 2021.

The Blue Flag Award is a world-renowned eco-label trusted by millions around the globe because it means bathing water is of the highest possible quality.

Swansea Marina has also retained its status as one of the few Blue Flag Marinas in Wales.

And Bracelet Bay has also received the coveted Green Coast Award in recognition of its untouched and rugged beauty. The award replaces the Blue Flag award but visitors can be assured that the beach and the water quality at Bracelet Bay are still of Blue Flag quality.

Green Coast recognises ‘hidden gems’ with excellent water quality and unspoiled environment, but without the infrastructure and intensive management generally associated with traditional seaside resorts.

Cllr Robert Francis-Davies, Cabinet Member for Investment, Regeneration, and Tourism, said:

“Our award-winning beaches are a real asset for the community and a huge draw for staycationers as we emerge from the pandemic.

“We know people have been missing their visits to Gower and we’re optimistic that we’ll be getting a good share of tourists who don’t want to take the risk of going abroad this summer due to Covid-9.

“A lot of investment goes into making sure locals and visitors can enjoy clean, safe, and beautiful beaches all year-round and we are delighted to once again fly the Blue Flags at some of our most iconic Gower beaches.”

For more information on beaches and bays around Swansea Bay visit the Council’s dedicated beaches page

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