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More staff proud to say they work for Swansea Bay Health Board

MORE staff are proud to say they work for Swansea Bay University Health Board compared to previously, a survey has found, but fewer are happy with the standard of care provided.

These were two of the findings of a staff survey carried out last November, two years after the most recent one.

A total of 76% of respondents were proud to tell others they worked for the health board, which was 5% per cent more than in 2018.

But 67% were happy with the standard of care, compared to 72% previously.

Only 18% of the health board’s workforce filled out the online questionnaire, with the proportion of respondents from clinical areas said to be lower.

On the plus side, fewer employees said they’d experienced bullying, harassment or abuse by a colleague, member of the public and in particular a manager than last time.

But fewer staff said they looked forward to going to work or felt they could make improvements in their department compared to 2018.

A meeting of the health board heard that last November’s NHS Wales survey had taken a different format to the previous one, and could be broken down to a department level.

Introducing the findings, Kathryn Jones, interim director of workforce and organisational development, said three priority themes had been proposed in response: healthier working relationships, staff health and well-being, and compassionate leadership.

Chief executive Mark Hackett said he was keen on more regular surveys to spot and predict potential issues, and that he wanted to “focus on cracking certain things, and doing it very well”.

He also said he wanted to improve how the health board rated as a good employer.

He added:  “This is so, so important – people’s experience of work drives their morale, and morale is an indicator of their happiness at work.”

A timetable of measures in response to the survey findings has been drawn up, with trade unions and other groups to have an input.

Independent board member Reena Owen said staff appreciated how much the public appreciated them, and that this acknowledgement of their efforts needed to be maintained.

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