
Wales News Online

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Motorists asked to drive carefully as council starts road maintenance work across county

MOTORISTS in Carmarthenshire are being urged to drive carefully as essential road maintenance works are carried out across the county.

Surface dressing works are carried out annually by the council to make the roads safer and better to use.

It involves applying a coating of hot bitumen onto the road surface followed by layers of hard stone chippings. A mechanical sweeper then removes the excess chippings after a day or so.

The equivalent length of about 54 miles of a standard single carriageway is being treated.
Executive Board Member for the Environment Cllr Hazel Evans said: “This work prevents water seeping into the road foundation and weakening it, thus reducing the chances of potholes developing, and prolongs the life expectancy of the road.

“It is the most cost effective method and allows traffic to drive over the newly laid surface almost immediately.

“Following treatment, the skid resistance value of the road surface is restored when the surface was previously smooth or slippery.”

Motorists are being asked to take extra care while the works are being carried out to avoid accidents or damage.

People should drive carefully within the recommended speed limit, never overtake and avoid sudden braking and sharp turning movements.

Pedestrians are also advised to take care walking near any newly treated surface as the bitumen can stick on shoes. The substance can be removed with solvents such as white spirits or turpentine.

Cllr Evans added: “Like most highway maintenance works, it does cause disruption to the free flow of traffic, and drivers need to travel slowly on the newly laid surface to prevent chippings being dislodged.

“This is the reason why advisory speed limits are displayed. Inconsiderate drivers who travel at speeds above the recommended limit can cause damage to other vehicles, pedestrians and property because of the risk of chippings being thrown up.”

Small delays may be possible and the council apologises for any inconvenience caused whilst the works are carried out.

Further information on roads affected, including start and end dates, are available to view online. Visit www.roadworks.org, type a location and click on the icons for further details.

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