
Wales News Online

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MP & AM call for Council to scrap all parking charge plans

NIA Griffith MP and Lee Waters AM have welcomed Carmarthenshire County Council’s decision to scrap proposals to introduce pay and display parking at the ‘Fisherman’s’ car park in Pembrey. They have, however, expressed deep concerns about the Council’s plan to make the double yellow lines in the surrounding area permanent.

The Council’s decision to paint yellow lines on roads around Pembrey Country Park by the council last year provoked opposition from local residents, who have always enjoyed free access to this area of natural beauty, and the politicians are calling for the decision to make these lines permanent to be kept under review.

Nia Griffith MP said, “It is good news that the plans for pay and display at the Fisherman’s car park have been dropped, and I pay tribute to all residents who spoke up for keeping free beach access.

“However, I am very concerned about the decision to make permanent the double yellow lines that were introduced last year without proper consultation and against the wishes of many local people, as they may prove counter-productive in some places. There is also the question of the parking charges that the Council has proposed at other country and beach car parking spots across Carmarthenshire, which I believe are punitive and misguided.

“Following the meeting that Lee Waters AM and I had with council officers and the Executive Board member responsible for this, we’ve had reassurances that the views of the public will be taken into account. Lee and I will keep up pressure on the council to listen to residents on this.”

Lee Waters AM added, “Nia and I wanted to make sure that local decision makers heard what local people think about the arbitrary decision to paint bright yellow lines down a quiet road and all over an informal car park that has been used by generations of people from the area to access the beach and countryside in Pembrey.

“We made a series of practical suggestions to try and find a way forward, and I’m pleased the council seem to have responded positively. We now need to make sure that charges aren’t put in place elsewhere and double yellow lines aren’t extended. So we look forward to hearing back from the Carmarthenshire Councillors on the Executive Board on their plans for access to the beach across the area.”

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