
Wales News Online

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MS shares “Anger” and “Frustration” of residents flooded in Rhondda

THE Member of the Senedd for the Rhondda has called for urgent action to help people flooded in her constituency yet again this year.

Leanne Wood has also called for an urgent inquiry into why homes flooded so quickly after a period of record-breaking sunshine. Many locals in affected communities such as Pentre say the drains were clogged up with silt that had not been cleared since the last floods earlier this year.

Ms Wood MS said: “People are angry and frustrated that this has happened twice already this year. For some households, they have been flooded more than that. I share that anger and frustration – it is not acceptable.

“What is needed is urgent assistance from the various authorities to prevent further flooding. Sandbags – which were not forthcoming from the council initially – need to be delivered to every home that is at risk of further flooding throughout this spell of heavy rain.

“It should not be down to builders’ yards to provide the sand needed to make a flood defence – but that is what happened in the vital first 12 hours of this flooding. The drains also need cleaning urgently as this has been identified as a cause of flooding in many areas.

“Secondly, we need an inquiry into why these areas are suddenly so vulnerable to flooding. This work should have happened already; even with restrictions around the Covid-19 pandemic.

“It is disappointing that this work is yet to be completed but the events of the last 24 hours shows it cannot be delayed further if we are to prevent any further flooding of Rhondda communities because there is clearly a major issue here.”

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