
Wales News Online

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TRAFFIC and parking in a busy Pembrokeshire town centre will be reviewed after a local councillor highlighted concerns about an increase of vehicles.

Cllr Vic Dennis tabled a question at Pembrokeshire County Council’s full council meeting on Thursday, July 18.

He said that Narberth is “experiencing greater traffic flow as a result of increased tourism numbers and more locally several new houses have been occupied on two new developments in Redstone Road and Jesse/Station Roads.”

Cllr Dennis asked for a full traffic study to be carried out and consideration be given to “the best means of maintaining traffic flow whilst meeting the current needs of visitors, residents and businesses and importantly, future generations.”

Cabinet member for planning and infrastructure Cllr Phil Baker said that the last review of traffic in Narberth was in 2008 and recent figures on the nearby A4478 showed a nine per cent increase.

“Narberth is an important destination for residents and visitors,” said Cllr Baker and agreed a traffic count and parking survey should be carried out.

Depending on the results a further study to meet Welsh Government guidelines for capital funding bid may be done.

He added that plans to extend a section of the Llanddewi Velfry to Redstone Cross by-pass was due to start next year.

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