
Wales News Online

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National recognition for police student volunteers

The Cardiff Student Safety Bus initiative has won the Police Support Volunteer Award at the Home Office Lord Ferrers Awards for their work running night-time safety buses.

Since September 2021, they have safeguarded more than 2,000 vulnerable people on the streets of Cardiff.

Two safety buses run every night throughout the Freshers period to identify lone, vulnerable individuals and help get them home safely.

The buses continue to run on the busiest nights.


Student liaison officer Pc Michael Neate, from South Wales Police, said: “The buses help an average of 20 people each night. Some are highly intoxicated and their personal safety is at obvious risk.

“This initiative enables us to identify those in vulnerable circumstances and most at need, and get them safely back to their homes or the Alcohol Treatment Centre.”

“The Lord Ferrers Award is fantastic news for the volunteers and a well-deserved recognition for an invaluable service provided by some special people.”


The Student Safety Bus is operated by our officers and volunteers to help keep the student and wider community safe.

It does this by:

Containing essential medical supplies including a defibrillator
Patrolling the night-time economy areas within Cardiff and large events
Helping vulnerable people that need help.
In addition to the Safety Bus, each year South Wales Police student volunteers team up with police officers on regular walkabouts, visiting halls of residence and private accommodation to welcome thousands of new and returning students to Cardiff.
Thousands of students are visited and advised of current local crime trends and how best they can keep themselves safe.
They are also reminded about good behaviour and being considerate neighbours.

PC Neate added: “Cardiff has a proud tradition of partnership work which contributes to keeping the city safe and we simply could not reach so many students without the student volunteers who are fantastic.

“In September alone our volunteers worked more than 1,000 hours on our Safer Students campaign, dedicating their own time to the Safety Buses, arrival events at halls of residence and crime prevention walkabouts.”

#SaferStudents #KeepingCardiffSafe


For more information on the Lord Ferrers Award please visit

Lord Ferrers Awards 2022 – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Lord Ferrers Awards recognise excellence of police volunteers

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