
Wales News Online

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Neil Hamilton MS lends support to WASPI campaign

NEIL Hamilton, MS for Mid & West Wales, and Leader of UKIP Wales is hoping thousands of women in Wales will get some good news about their state pension next week.

On Monday, July 21 the Court of Appeal will be considering the change to women’s State Pension Ages following an unfavourable decision by the High Court last October, after a Judicial Review of the case brought by the ‘Back to 60’ campaign.

Mr. Hamiltonis a longtime supporter of WASPI, Women Against State Pension Inequality, a campaign group fighting the injustice to women born on or after 6 April 1951 which has seriously affected changes to their state pension age.

He said:

“I am delighted to see this Appeal go ahead. I have raised this matter in the Senedd on several occasions and called on the Welsh Government to get involved.  It is a national disgrace that thousands of women have been so seriously affected by changes to their pensions.

“The change in State Pensions is causing real hardship to thousands of women all over the country who are desperately trying to make themselves heard. Many did not receive any notification about the change in State Pension age or only had a few months to plan for this.

“I was very disappointed with the result of the Judicial Review last October and, welcome the decision to look at it again.

“I have personal experience of these injustices because my own sister and sister-in-law are both badly affected.   It is grossly unfair that those born in the early 1950s are discriminated against in this way.

“Everyone understands the need to adjust pension arrangements but the system should be tapered so people do not find themselves falling off a financial cliff because their birthday is just the wrong side of a cut-off date.

“The Pension Acts of 1995 and 2011 gave women very little notice of the changes and the effect on their financial position after the age of 60.  I hope the appeal goes in favour of the thousands of women affected but, either way, I shall continue to support them and campaign on their behalf.”

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