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Neil Hamilton urges farmers to join NFU Cymru Virtual Conference

NEIL HAMILTON, MS for Mid & West Wales and Leader of UKIP Wales, is urging farmers to find out more about the future of Welsh farming.

Mr Hamilton, a member of the Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs committee, is encouraging people to sign up for this year’s NFU Cymru Conference which takes place on Thursday November 5.

He said:

“As with many events, this year’s NFU conference, titled ‘Welsh Food and Farming; Moving Forward’, is being held virtually but will, nevertheless, will host an impressive line-up of leading industry speakers.

“Our agricultural industry, like many others, continues to struggle with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and, so far, 2020 has been an extremely difficult year for us all. It has, perhaps, never been more important for farmers and others in the industry to keep informed and abreast of new developments and plans for the future.

“I would urge anyone interested in finding out more about the future of farming in Wales post Brexit to make sure they register for this annual event and enjoy a day of information and debate.”

Among the confirmed speakers at the conference this year will be Secretary of State for International Trade, Liz Truss MP.

NFU Cymru Director John Mercer said: “While the format for this year’s event will be a change from what members are normally accustomed to, please be assured the high standards that members have grown to expect at our annual conference have not changed.

“The NFU Cymru Conference has proved to be a resounding success year-on-year and I have no reason to suspect that the 2020 edition will be any different despite the challenges we face.

“I’m thrilled that once again we’ve been able to attract such high quality speakers from across the political sphere, agricultural industry and the food sector. Given the challenges that Coronavirus continues to throw at society and the end of the Brexit transition period fast approaching, there will be plenty for our speakers to discuss.”

This year’s conference speakers include: NFU Cymru President, John Davies; Patrick Holden, Director, Sustainable Food Trust; Dr Tim Render, Welsh Government Director for Environment and Rural Affairs; Andy Richardson, Chair of Welsh Government Food and Drink Board; Secretary of State for International Trade, Liz Truss MP and Welsh Government Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths MS.

Anyone wishing to register for the conference should contact the NFU Cymru office on 01982 554200 or email nfu.cymru@nfu.org.uk to receive log-in information.

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