
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

DURING the past month, Mudiad Meithrin has contributed to Welsh language activity in the home by providing open sessions under the banner of ‘Clwb Cylch’ (#ClwbCylch) for children of Cylch age and their parents via digital platforms – with a particular emphasis on children from families where Welsh is not spoken in the home.

A live session was held every morning at 10.00 based on ‘Circle Time’ experience at the usual Cylch Meithrin with an experienced Cylch Meithrin leader, using content from Mudiad Meithrin’s language immersion scheme, ‘Croesi’r Bont’ (Cross the Bridge) and Mudiad Meithrin’s training scheme, Academi. It is a pleasure to announce that Clwb Cylch sessions will continue from the end of June to the end of August, broadcasting a combination of brand new sessions, a repeat of a few previous Clwb Cylch sessions, a selection of videos by ‘Cymraeg for Kids’ staff, as well as new videos provided by the staff of Ti a Fi Leaders. The purpose of this offer is to support families and entertain children in an open and dynamic way providing practical support to non-Welsh speaking parents.

Clwb Cylch, Cymraeg for Kids, and Ti Fi sessions can be viewed on Mudiad Meithrin’s Facebook page every day at 10.00 am. All the sessions will be featured on Mudiad’s digital platforms (Facebook / MudiadMeithrin, twitter @ MudiadMeithrin) as well as on a new section on the Mudiad website – www.meithrin.cymru/cymraegadre/

Dr. Gwenllian Lansdown Davies, Chief Executive of Mudiad Meithrin, said:

“The aim of ‘Clwb Cylch’ is to try and recreate some of the fun and excitement of Cylch Meithrin for children who are either missing out on provision at the moment or who are preparing to join the Cylch in due course. This will also enhance the existing ‘’Cymraeg for Kids’ offer aimed at parents and carers as they introduce the Welsh language to their children.”

Clwb Cylch, Cymraeg for Kids, and Ti Fi sessions can be viewed on Mudiad Meithrin’s Facebook page every day at 10.00 am. All the sessions will be featured on Mudiad’s digital platforms (Facebook / MudiadMeithrin, twitter @ MudiadMeithrin) as well as on a new section on the Mudiad website – www.meithrin.cymru/cymraegadre/

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