
Wales News Online

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Newport Civic Centre clock tower light up yellow to remember Covid 19 victims March 23

WEDNESDAY 23 March, Newport City Council will join others around the country in marking a solemn milestone.

On this date in 2020, the country went into its first lockdown in the fight to tackle Covid 19 as the disease took hold.

Since then, more than 5,000 people in Wales have died after contracting coronavirus during the pandemic.

The Civic Centre clock tower light up in yellow – the colour of remembrance – following a request from local residents who are members of Covid 19 Families Wales, a group that supports who have lost loved ones.

Councillor Mudd, Leader of Newport City Council, said:

“I was pleased that we could accommodate this moving request and the clock tower will be one of many public buildings lit up around the country.

“So many lives have been lost in Newport, Wales and across the world and many of us will know someone who has died as a result of Covid 19 or who has been bereaved. March 23 will be a day to pause and reflect on the last year and remember those who lost their lives and their grieving family and friends.

“For most people, this will have been the most challenging time for the country, and the world, in their lifetimes. Once again, I would like to pay tribute to all those – from emergency workers to volunteers – who have worked on the frontline to care and support others.

“We must not forget that the pandemic is not yet over and continue to take all the necessary steps to protect ourselves, our loved ones and others in the community. We have to do everything we can prevent other people from going through the same pain as those who have been bereaved because of the disease.”

Covid 19 Families Wales is also asking members of the public to mark 23 March in a number of different way including putting daffodils, yellow lights or a yellow heart in a window; holding a minute’s silence at midday or 9pm; tying a yellow ribbon round a tree or plant in your garden or checking on someone who has been bereaved.

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