
Wales News Online

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Newport Council innovative housing scheme shortlisted for planning

NEWPORT City Council is a finalist in the prestigious Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) awards for planning excellence 2021.

Work by the planning and regeneration teams on Central View in the city centre has won them a place on the shortlist in the excellence in planning to deliver homes small schemes category.

Newport is one of only two Welsh councils to make the final of the awards which attracted entrants from all over the UK in the public and private sector.

Central View is a high-quality housing scheme for over-55s in Commercial Street which was developed using funding from housing association Pobl Group, the Council and Welsh Government.

Councillor Jane Mudd, Leader of Newport City Council, said:

“I am very proud of all the staff who worked so hard to deliver the scheme. It has transformed a formerly rundown section of the city centre and is providing affordable housing for our citizens.

“It is part of our continuing regeneration work to introduce a more vibrant mix of uses in the city centre and improve the lives of our residents.”

RTPI President Wei Yang FRTPI said:

“Many congratulations to all the finalists at this year’s RTPI Awards for Planning Excellence – these projects, teams and individuals showcase the very best of the planning profession from all the RTPI’s regions and nations and from countries around the world.

“For over 40 years, these prestigious awards have celebrated the exceptional work undertaken by town planners. In the middle of a global pandemic, I believe they are more relevant than ever before, recognising the incredible commitment and dedication of planners who have risen to the challenge of responding to the impacts of Covid-19 on the planning system.”

The winners will be announced during a virtual ceremony on Thursday 29 April 2021.

The RTPI champions the power of planning in creating prosperous places and vibrant communities. It is the only body in the UK that confers Chartered status to planners, the highest professional qualification sought after by employers. It supports its members – over 26,000 worldwide – throughout their careers.

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