
Wales News Online

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NEWPORT City Council is proposing to rise council tax by 3.7%, as part of the council’s budget for 2022/23.

This would mean an increase of between 59p and 79p a week for properties in bands A, B and C.

Leader of the council, Cllr Jane Mudd, said: “Although council tax makes up less than one-quarter of the council’s budget, we fully appreciate that it represents a considerable bill for residents.

“Our aim is to keep the council tax rate in Newport one of the lowest in Wales – a position we have maintained for many years.”

The Leader of the Conservatives, Matthew Evans, said: “Residents of Newport need to think about whether we’re paying more money for less services.”

As part of the budget, the council are investing £26 million in services, including a proposed £8 million for schools and education.

In a Cabinet meeting held on Friday, January 14, Cllr Deb Davies, Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, said: “What happens in the community spills out in to school life, therefore I recommend the additional support.”

Other areas that will receive investment are early intervention and prevention, as well as the promotion of the city centre.

Cllr Mudd, who represents Malpas, said: “I would like to emphasise to the public that we are listening to what you have to say.”

Residents of Newport now have until February 11 to make any comments on the proposed budget. The online survey can be found here: https://wh1.snapsurveys.com/s.asp?k=164199994941

Cllr Mudd said comments made in the public consultation would be taken into consideration before final decisions are made.

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