
Wales News Online

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NHS pressures in wake of Coronavirus outbreak must be “urgently addressed”, says Leader of Plaid Cymru

PLAID Cymru Leader Adam Price has said final year medical students should be ‘fast tracked’ through their courses so they can work on the frontline in hospitals to fight the Coronavirus outbreak.

The Plaid Cymru Leader said that as hospitals will soon be “overwhelmed” with Coronavirus patients, the “critical care capacity” of hospitals should be “urgently addressed” and that the NHS urgently needed “more staff and resources”.

He also asked the Welsh Government to provide ‘urgent clarity’ on what they are doing to “source or manufacture” an additional thousand ventilators to treat patients needing intensive care.

Mr Price added that there should be “designated and isolated” Covid-19 wards in “every district general hospital” in Wales. The Plaid Cymru Leader said “disused wards” should also be converted to ensure “sufficient capacity” as well as private hospitals, field hospitals, hotels and hostels.

Plaid Cymru Leader Adam Price is currently self-isolating at home after his son developed Covid-19 symptoms.

Plaid Cymru Leader Adam Price said,

“With hospitals soon to be overwhelmed with Coronavirus patients needing urgent medical care, the critical care capacity of our hospitals must be urgently addressed.

“We need designated and isolated Covid-19 wards in every district general hospital around Wales, and to convert disused wards to ensure we have sufficient capacity.

“Private hospitals, field hospitals, hotels and hostels must also be brought into play to help with capacity.

“We urgently need more staff and resources. The Welsh Government should consider urgently accelerating training of medical students in their final year of study and have them work on the frontline in our hospitals.

“We also need urgent clarity on what the Welsh Government is doing to source or manufacture a thousand additional ventilators to ensure our hospitals are fully equipped and able to treat all citizens who will require intensive care.

“Supporting primary and acute care to ensure the safety and well-being of our citizens should be the utmost priority.

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