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WHO does or doesn’t take part in member training should be published to encourage more to get involved, a councillor said.

A third of Pembrokeshire County Councillors attended their personal development review or carried out essential training including ‘e-learning,’ members of the democratic services committee heard on Tuesday (Jul 2).

Cllr Joshua Beynon said there are those that “want to improve our skills set to help constituents while others just sit back and do the bare minimum” adding that names should be published to show attendance.

He added that it was likely that newer councillors were more involved in training.

Cllr Di Clements said that some members felt training received at work or “elsewhere” was sufficient, adding “there are those that just don’t want to do it.”

The committee was told by Wendy Roach, corporate learning and development advisor, that too few members took part in training to achieve Charter Status, an aim of the authority for this year.

Charter Status is the quality standard recognising a council’s commitment to helping ensure good practice and continuous improvement for its elected members.

To gain the status, which will be revisited next year, half of councillors receiving a senior salary, including cabinet members, chairmen and group leaders, were expected to carry out a personal development review.

Only 17 councillors took part which included three cabinet members.

Cllr Paul Rapi raised concerns about these figures, saying senior salaried members needed to be involved.

“Three cabinet members? Why aren’t the others there?

“They should be taking the lead and the fact that they aren’t is quite disappointing I feel,” he said.

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