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Parents of toddler Harri return to special baby care unit to present cheque for £3,000

ANTONY and Ffion Rees Owens from Llangyndeyrn were delighted to visit the Special Care Baby Unit at Glangwili Hospital recently on their son Harri’s first birthday to present a cheque of £3,000 to the Unit to thank the team for the care Mum Ffion, and baby Harri received last year.

Mum Ffion said: “On 21st January 2019 Harri was born at Glangwili Hospital unresponsive and needed resuscitating as he wasn’t breathing. The speedy response and the wonderful care and management of Harri’s condition by the SCBU team enabled Harri to be transferred to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Singleton Hospital.

Harri was put on a cooling plate for 72hrs in order to maintain his core temperature to minimise any complications that could arise as a result of the traumatic delivery. We will be forever grateful for the fantastic work of the SCBU team.

Harri would not be here to celebrate his first birthday without this dedicated compassionate group of health care professionals. We hope that the money raised can be put towards helping other families in the future”.

In September 2019, Angharad Morgan-Williams, a close friend of the family, arranged a ‘Pink Tractor Run’ which raised a fantastic £10,000 to be shared between four charities including SCBU, Noah’s Ark, Stroke Association and Kidney Wales. Antony and Ffion would like to thank Angharad and everybody that donated and took part in the tractor run.

At hospital: Harri

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