
Wales News Online

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AN application for a single-storey house behind a Pembroke Dock street has been approved following a site visit.

Gearoid Hunt’s application to build a house for his daughter and her horses was discussed at Tuesday’s (March 9) planning committee and was a new scheme for the site which already has permission granted on appeal for a similar dwelling.

At February’s committee Pembrokeshire county councillors decided to visit the site following concerns raised by neighbours and members of the committee about the steepness of the site, ground stability, water drainage and privacy issues.

Mr Hunt said that the previous proposal was “taller and closer to properties” which he felt was “better for everyone, including the neighbours.”

Those councillors that went on the site visit said that it had not been clear from reports how steep the site was and it had been “enlightening.”

Part of the application site falls outside the settlement boundary for Pembroke Dock.

Cllr Mark Carter said he had “sympathy” with the neighbours while Cllr Steve Alderman said the proposal was “less intrusive and the amount of material to remove was less.”

If the structural engineers were happy with the ground stability, “I don’t see there’s a huge issue here,” added Cllr Alderman.

Cllr Tony Wilcox moved refusal of the proposal as it was against policy and more intrusive to the neighbours in his opinion, seconded by Cllr Brian Hall.

This proposal fell with four votes in favour, seven against and two abstentions, and the application was approved with conditions by a second vote.

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