
Wales News Online

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Pembrokeshire pupils asked to retain old school transport passes for upcoming term in September

PEMBROKESHIRE pupils who have a school transport travel pass are being asked to retain their 2019-2020 pass for use during the upcoming 2020-2021 academic year.

Normally Pembrokeshire County Council would send out a new school transport travel pass to every pupil who uses school transport during the summer holidays.

However, that is not possible this summer.

The Council will only be issuing new passes to those pupils moving into Year 7 and any new primary school pupils requiring transport.

However, if passes have become ineligible the Council will replace these and waive the normal £5 replacement fee.

Parents/ guardians should apply at https://www.pembrokeshire.gov.uk/school-transport/school-transport-information-and-application-form

Alternatively, email school.transport@pembrokeshire.gov.uk

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