
Wales News Online

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Pembrokeshire senior staff committee approve salary increases for three senior officer posts

THE regrading – and salary increase of up to £15,000 – of three senior council officer posts has been approved.

Senior staff committee approved the regrading of head of ICT, head of cultural, leisure and registration services and head of procurement and customer services at its meeting on Wednesday (Dec 2).

The committee heard that the analysis and acceptance of the regrading had been prepared in February but had not been put to members then due to prioritising the “onslaught of covid” with a recommendation to backdate the pay rise.

Head of HR Cathy Evans added that there had been an increase in the officers’ review scores had been increased as they took on more roles and responsibilities.

The posts were increasing by one grade, with a potential salary increase of £5,000 to £15,000 depending on increment scales, Mrs Evans said in response to questions from Cllr Reg Owens.

The new salaries range from £78,626 to £86,492 a report to the committee states.

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