
Wales News Online

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Pentwyn sudden death: IOPC confirms no evidence of a Taser at this stage

THE Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) has confirmed there is no evidence at this stage that a Taser was used in an incident at Pentywn, Cardiff, during the early hours of Saturday, June 19.

Emergency services were called to Glyn Collen at around 1am.

Summary of a statement issued by the IOPC:

“We are aware of reports on social media that a Taser was used during the incident.

“While a Taser audit has yet to be carried out, from analysis of the scene and the video evidence seen so far, there is no evidence at this stage that a Taser was used.”

The full IOPC statement can be found here:


South Wales Police continues to fully co-operate with the IOPC investigation.

Our thoughts and condolences are with the man’s family and friends at this time.

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