
Wales News Online

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Permission granted for farm house despite threats of government intervention

THERE was a warning that approval could lead to Welsh Government intervention but councillors went against officer advice to allow a farmer’s daughter to build on family land.

Ceredigion County Council’s development control approved an application for an affordable dwelling at Mock Farm, Ffostrasol.

Officers had recommended refusal as it was not planning policy nor was it suitable to consider it as a Tan 6 rural enterprise application.

At a virtual meeting on Wednesday (July 22) local member Cllr Maldwyn Lewis said that the applicant Megan Jenkins works locally as a carer as well as helping on the family farm, along with her partner a painter and decorator.

Cllr Lyndon Lloyd added that the importance of carers had been highlighted in the Covid-19 pandemic and “keeping people such as this in our communities” was important.

Corporate lead officer economy and regeneration Russell Hughes-Pickering said that he heard what Cllr Lloyd was saying but “it’s not an excuse to override the rules and policies.”

He referred to a decision in January called in by the Welsh Government where the decision was outside planning guidance in the local and national development plan, warning it could happen again in this case.

Cllr Dafydd Edwards argued that “Cardiff have stuck their nose in something that’s nothing to do with them, they don’t understand rural communities,” adding he was furious.

The committee approved the outline application.

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