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Plaid Cymru repeats calls for pubic inquiry into institutionalised racism in Wales

PLAID Cymru Equalities Spokesperson Leanne Wood MS urges Welsh Government to look into “scandal” of disproportionate COVID effects on ethnic minorities in Wales, repeating Plaid Leader Adam Price’s previous calls for a public enquiry into structural and institutionalised racism in Wales.

In response to Judge Ray Singh’s statement that institutional racism may have resulted in COVID disproportionately impacting ethnic minorities in Wales.

Leanne Wood MS said,

“The disproportionate effects COVID has had on ethnic minorities in Wales must be looked into in the form of a public inquiry as a matter of urgency.

“It simply isn’t good enough for the Welsh Government to speak out against racism without initiating direct and substantial action on tackling the deeply engrained, structural and institutionalised racism at play in Wales.

“A public enquiry could concretely identify the main causes and cases of institutionalised racism in Wales and would allow us to make substantial changes to eradicate them.

“Each death to COVID has been a tragedy, but the fact that BAME individuals have been at a much higher risk of been affected by the virus is a scandal.”

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