
Wales News Online

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Plaid Cymru response to JCVI guidance on vaccination of children

RESPONDING to the news that the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has recommended COVID vaccine for some 12 – 17 year olds, Plaid Cymru spokesperson for children and young people, Siân Gwenllian MS said:

“Welsh Government should follow the JCVI advice. It’s right that steps are taken to reduce the likelihood of the virus running riot amongst our young people: They have already suffered deep harm from the effects of isolation and disrupted learning. We can’t allow the virus to spread freely, especially with emerging evidence about the impact of long-COVID on this age group.

“However, the Health Minister must provide reassurance that the decisions around vaccinating children are kept constantly under review, particularly as more international data becomes available. In the meantime, there are other protective measures that can and should be taken, such as ensuring adequate ventilation in all educational settings.”


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