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Plaid to vote against ‘unambitious’ Welsh Government Budget

PLAID Cymru will be voting against the Welsh Government budget today criticising it as lacking in “ambition” and “strategic thinking”.

Speaking ahead of the debate on the final Welsh Government budget Plaid Cymru’s shadow minister for finance Rhun ap Iorwerth AM said the budget was lacking in “everything” from “ambition, imagination, innovation” to “strategic thinking”.

Mr ap Iorwerth said the budget signified a missed opportunity to invest in a “long term vision for the future of Wales” and a chance to “do things differently”. Mr ap Iorwerth added that the budget had also failed to think in a “preventative manner” in regards to tackling the challenges facing the NHS, poverty and the climate crisis.

The Shadow Minister for Finance also said the budget instead demonstrated a Labour Government that was “unwilling to be radical” against a “totally uncaring” Conservative Government in Westminster and a decade of “grave cuts to public expenditure”.

Speaking ahead of the debate on the final Welsh Government budget Plaid Cymru’s shadow minister for finance Rhun ap Iorwerth AM said,

“This budget lacks in everything – ambition, imagination, innovation and any form of strategic thinking.

“There was a real opportunity here to invest in a long term vision for the future of Wales. To do things differently. To think in a truly preventative manner on issues such as health, poverty and the environment in order to engender the kind of transformation and change we need.

“Instead, what we have is a Labour Government that’s unwilling to be radical, against the background of a Conservative Government in Westminster that has proved to be totally uncaring as to the impacts of grave cuts to public expenditure for ideological reasons over a decade and more.

“We can’t afford to be tinkering at the edges of the budget and expect transformation. This budget is more of the same and another missed opportunity to tackle some of the main challenges that we face.

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