
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

Plaid’s Leanne Wood welcomes defeat of Labour’s centralisation plans for Royal Glamorgan

REACTING to the news that the Royal Glamorgan Hospital will retain 24 hour A&E services, Rhondda MS Leanne Wood said the many communities served by the facility will be “overjoyed and relieved.”

“This is the moment we dared to dream about when plans to reduce services were dusted off at the beginning of the year,” said Ms Wood.

“Everyone in the Rhondda will now be overjoyed and relieved as this is our main district general hospital and it should be offered a wide range of comprehensive services.

“It was clear that the campaign to retain 24 hour services had logic, reason and safety on its side. Our argument to retain and boost staffing levels with a clear and energetic recruitment drive was strong enough but when the coronavirus pandemic occurred, the importance of hospital capacity and local services was reinforced significantly.

“People fought the health board and the Labour Government’s plans with great passion, commitment and determination.

“This has been a tremendous victory for people-power and I would like to salute everyone that turned up to our public meetings, signed petitions, wrote to the Labour Health Minister and attended rallies. My message to everyone that took part was that ‘you were seen, you were heard and you managed to keep our 24 hour A&E department at the Royal Glamorgan.’

“Diolch yn fawr to you all.”

Leanne added: “To run parallel with this decision will be moves to ensure as many people are treated within their GP surgery or local minor injuries unit to ease the pressure on A&E.

“There will also be a review of how the service is running in a year’s time so we must remain vigilant and be ready to resurrect our campaigning efforts if need be.

“The Labour Government in Wales has not renounced their desire for the centralisation of hospital services – far from it. Until they do, we must be ready to fight any attempt to take our vital local health services away from our communities.”

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