
Wales News Online

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A DETAILED planning application to build three homes in a small village near Welshpool has been submitted to Powys planners.

The Jones family of Dyers Farm, Pool Quay, received outline planning permission to build three homes with all the associated works at Swan Bank in March 2018.

At the time the outline planning application was a departure application, as it is outside the development boundary of the village.

Planning officers supported the development as they believed that: “The provision of housing is considered to outweigh the development plan and therefore justifies the grant of consent as an exception to normal housing policies.”

Agent, Gerallt Davies of Roger Parry and Partners, explained the proposal in a planning statement.

Mr Davies, said: “The reserved matters application follows on from the approved outline permission of which was approved for up to three dwellings, formation of vehicular access, access road and all associated works.

“The principle of development for the site was approved at that stage, and therefore this process is to consider the design, formal
layout, scale and landscaping of the proposal.”

“There are two design types proposed, with both of them considered proportionate to the site.

“Their scale is in keeping with the area.

“Given the size of the site, and the maximum allowed to build is three dwellings, three to five bedroom properties was the most appropriate.

“Two of the properties will have attached double garages and the affordable house property will have a single detached garage.”

Mr Davies added that each house would have adequate garden and parking space and would not encroach on any neighbouring properties.

Mr Davies added: “Their appearance with red facing brick, slate roof and chimneys will ensure they fit in within the village.

“The materials will be looked to be sourced locally and use recycled materials where possible.

“This will enhance the sustainability of the build.”

.”The designs proposed are in keeping with the surrounding properties and will integrate well with the existing built environment of Pool Quay.”

Mr Davies added that he believed the proposals would “boost the local economy” by providing construction jobs.

The application will be decided at a future date.


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