OPPOSITION to plans for a new housing estate on green fields in Wrexham is increasing with more than 250 people signing an online petition.
Objections have been raised in response to proposals to build 92 homes on land between Llay New Road in Rhosrobin and Plas Acton Cemetery in Pandy.
The recent submission of a formal planning application to Wrexham Council by developers SG Estates has provided renewed impetus to campaigners fighting against the scheme.
Leaflets have been sent to residents in the Gwersyllt, Rhosrobin, Pandy and Llay area to inform them of the proposed development.
Pete Howell, a local Plaid Cymru campaigner who started the petition against the plans, said: “Among the major concerns identified are urban sprawl resulting in loss of the individual identities of Rhosrobin and Pandy, and an unnecessary coalescence of unique communities.
“(There would be) increased traffic congestion on already busy roads and busy junctions and increased air pollution, when ironically the neighbouring A483 has permanent speed restrictions to lower emissions of nitrogen dioxide
“No thought has been given to extra infrastructure to deal with the increase in population and demand for local services such as health and schools.
“Work has already begun on another estate of 190 houses just down the road and residents feel that this is a ‘step too far’.
“This local area has seen planning permission granted for almost 700 houses since 2019 yet the population of Wrexham county borough is static – this scale of housing suits big developers not local communities.”
According to the planning documents, a total of 92 houses and apartments would be created at the site, as well as a play area and a new roundabout on Llay New Road.
The properties would consist of a mixture of one to five-bedroom homes, around a quarter of which would be offered as affordable housing.
The local authority’s planning policies state that green barrier land should only be developed in “exceptional circumstances”.
However, SG Estates said the proposals were justified due to a claimed lack of housing in the area.
In a planning statement, representatives for the company said: “There are significant material considerations which weigh in favour of granting planning permission which can be listed as the need to increase housing supply due to a shortage of land genuinely available for housing and the presumption in favour of sustainable development
“Whilst representing a clear departure from the policies of the adopted and out of date unitary development plan, the development of the site is justified in this instance due to the specific reasons noted.
“Critically the site does not project into an area of unbounded open countryside and is contained by clear physical/built features which form clear and defensible boundaries.
“The site does not project into open countryside and would form a natural rounding off of the settlement in this location.”
The petition against the proposals can be found at: https://www.wrexhamplaid.cymru/no_to_91_houses
A decision will be made on the plans by the council at a later date.
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