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‘Please continue to stay home, protect the NHS and save lives’, urges South Wales Police

AS we head in to the first weekend of another three weeks of lockdown, South Wales Police is urging the public to continue adhering to the restrictions to help slow the spread of Covid-19.

On Thursday, Welsh Government confirmed it would be imposing further civil restrictions in line with the rest of the UK, while adding that the early indication is that the measures are having the desired impact.

Assistant Chief Constable Andy Valentine, who is leading South Wales Police’s response to the pandemic, said: “We are continuing to see the vast majority of people acting responsibly and acknowledging how much of an impact they are having by staying home.

“As our colleagues in Welsh Government stressed earlier this week, these measures are really helping to keep our frontline services – particularly the NHS – functioning effectively.

“The message in Wales and across the UK is that the measures are beginning to slow the spread of the virus, which is of course very welcome news.

“However, this is not a time for complacency.

“The UK is not out of the woods and these extended restrictions are needed to continue that progress. I would urge the public to continue doing what they’ve done so well so far – please stay home, protect the NHS and save lives.

“We do appreciate that these measures are difficult and are unlike anything this generation has ever experienced. But they have been imposed for the benefit of us all and it is absolutely crucial that we all play our part.

“As we head into the weekend, our officers will be continuing to adopt the same approach as we have done to date, focusing on encouraging on voluntary compliance and enforcing as a last resort.

“While we do not want to have to enforce the COVID legislation, those deliberately or flagrantly breaching the restrictions can expect to be dealt with appropriately.”

South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Alun Michael, said: “The vast majority of people in south Wales are listening to the government advice to stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives.

“Sadly, a relatively small number of people have ignored the rules, putting themselves and others at risk of contracting this terrible virus.

“I’m pleased to see police officers explaining, engaging and encouraging people – and to see the positive response they are getting from the vast majority of people. They have the support of all of us in using enforcement when it is absolutely necessary.

“Police officers and PCSOs are as much a part of the local community as the rest of us, with worries about their own families and elderly relatives – and I’m immensely proud of the way they are doing their jobs in this extraordinary and difficult time.”

To report a crime or incident, please contact 101, or visit https://digitalservices.south-wales.police.uk/en/online-crime-reporting/.

In an emergency, please always dial 999.

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