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Police and Crime Commissioner begins recruitment process for several volunteer schemes and committee members

DYFED-Powys Police and Crime Commissioner, Dafydd Llywelyn has begun a recruitment process in order to recruit people from local communities within Dyfed-Powys to several of his volunteer schemes as well as the Joint Audit Committee.

The Police and Crime Commissioner has three volunteer scheme; Animal Welfare Visitors, Independent Custody Visitors and the Quality Assurance Panel, with volunteering opportunities available on both the latter schemes. There are opportunities also to become a member of the Chief Constable’s and Commissioner’s Joint Audit Committee.

Independent Custody Visitors, visit custody suites across the Dyfed-Powys area. They visit in pairs, unannounced, at any time of the day or night and provide an independent check on the welfare of the detainees in custody, and the conditions in which they are being held.

The Quality Assurance Panel was established to scrutinise the quality of Police contact with the public, in a transparent and independent manner, on behalf of the communities within the Dyfed-Powys area.

The Panel will scrutinise areas of Police contact with the public, for example, complaint cases, Stop and Search incidents, use of force incidents and police handling of calls in to the Force’s Communication Centre i.e. 101 and 999 calls.

The Joint Audit Committee provides independent assurance to the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Chief Constable on the adequacy of the governance and risk management frameworks, the internal control environment, and financial reporting, thereby helping to ensure efficient and effective arrangements are in place.

Police and Crime Commissioner Dafydd Llywelyn said; “As well as Joint Audit Committee members, my volunteers play an important part in helping me deliver my vision set out in the Police and Crime plan and I am very grateful to every single person who works and volunteers with me to deliver these vital schemes.

“Volunteers play a hugely important role in making our communities safe and secure, and if anyone is interested in volunteering and becoming a part of our much valued extended volunteer family, I’m pleased to announce that there are currently plenty of opportunities for people to get involved.”

“I’m also pleased to announce that we are currently recruiting members for the Joint Audit Committee. The Committee is a key component of the Dyfed-Powys Local Policing Body’s corporate governance. It provides an independent and high level focus on the audit, assurance and reporting arrangements that underpin good governance and financial standards.

Independent Custody Visitor John Jones said: “I believe that the Custody Staff within the Force accept the need for the scrutiny we provide through this volunteering role, and they are always willing to discuss matters with us – this makes me feel part of something which is making a difference.”

To volunteer with the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office you must be over the age of 18; live, work or study within the Dyfed-Powys area; have been resident in the UK for at least 3 years; be independent of the Police and Criminal Justice System, and; be able to make unbiased observations and informed judgements in which the public can have confidence.

To download Volunteer Scheme handbooks and an application form, follow the link below:


For further information on the role of Joint Audit Committee and to download an information pack please visit; http://www.dyfedpowys-pcc.org.uk/en/accountability-and-transparency/joint-audit-committee/

Closing date for applications are midday on Tuesday 6th October 2020.

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