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Police and Crime Panel to challenge Commissioner’s policing priorities

MEMBERS of the Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Panel are to question Dafydd Llewelyn, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed Powys, about his priorities for policing over the next three years.

The Panel will meet on Friday November 5 to review and discuss the Commissioner’s plan for 2021-2025 in which he sets out several priority areas to help keep the communities of Mid and West Wales safe.

The meeting will be broadcast live online from 10.30am where people can tune in, or watch later, to hear the Panel’s questions as they scrutinise the plan.

The Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Panel is made of up of councillors nominated by Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Powys county councils along with two independent members.

Members call the Commissioner to their meetings so that they can challenge his work and decision making.

In his draft Police and Crime Plan, Mr Llewelyn says his over-arching aim is to keep the communities of Mid and West Wales safe, and to support people to maintain trust and confidence in policing and justice.

The priorities he has set out include supporting victims of crime, preventing harm to individuals and communities, and improving confidence in the criminal justice system.

Also on the agenda for Friday’s meeting are questions about a recent HMICFRS (Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services) report that highlighted inconsistencies in the force’s approach to tackling violence against women and girls.

The Panel will also probe the Commissioner to check on progress his Chief Constable has made to combat fraud – another area of improvement highlighted by the HMICFRS.

Visit www.dppoliceandcrimepanel.wales for more information about the Panel, its membership, forthcoming meeting dates, agendas and webcasting links, as well as submitting questions for the Panel to put to the Commissioner.

Questions can be submitted online, or in writing at DPPandCrimepanel@carmarthenshire.gov.uk at least 10 days before a meeting.




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