
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

Police deployed to ‘rave’ at windfarm

SOUTH Wales Police remains at the scene of a rave at Mynydd Bwlfa Windfarm in Hirwaun. 

Officers were deployed to the event earlier this morning, following noise complaints from residents of Rhondda and Cynon valleys.

An estimated 500 people have gathered at the site, and officers are continuing to liaise with them and the land owner in order to minimise disruption to residents while also ensuring the safety of those at the site.

Further access to the site is being denied, and anyone considering joining the event –either by vehicle or on foot – is advised not to attend.

Officers have invoked powers under Section 63 the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act, and those who are fit to do so have been ordered to leave the site.

We will remain at the site to ensure that those unfit to leave, due to being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, do so safely and to avoid further disruption.

The local communities affected by the event are thanked for their patience while the matter was dealt with.

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