
Wales News Online

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A violent offender believed to have been setting up a new drugs line into south west Wales was disrupted by police as he travelled through Carmarthenshire.

Muhajid Edwards has previous convictions for violent crimes and the use of weapons in other areas, and was wearing a stab vest when he was arrested by Dyfed-Powys Police.

Officers stopped a car being driven by the 24-year-old on Thursday, March 18 after its travel pattern and 24-hour insurance policy raised suspicions.

He claimed he was selling the car to someone in Port Talbot, despite having driven 20 miles past the location, and was arrested on suspicion of driving offences.

Detective Inspector Rhys Jones said: “Despite initially giving officers false details, the defendant was identified as Muhajid Edwards, who has links to county lines in Cardiff, and a history of significant violence and knife crimes.

“This provided some explanation as to why he was wearing a covert stab vest on arrest.”

Extensive enquiries were carried out in Cardiff and the West Midlands, while Edwards was under constant watch in custody as it was strongly suspected he had ‘plugged’ drugs inside his body.
He spent 11 days in custody, refusing food and drink for 96 hours in an attempt not to pass the substances.

“He was incredibly obstructive during our investigation, refusing medical attention, not allowing access to his mobile phone, and declining food or drink despite requesting particular meals,” DI Jones said.

“Despite this, we had gathered enough evidence for the CPS to authorise charges against the suspect.

“After 11 days, he finally passed two packages which were confirmed to contain heroin and crack cocaine weighing 57 grams in total.
“The approximate street value of these substances would be in excess of £5,000.”

Edwards, from Birmingham, was charged with two counts of possessing class A drugs with intent to supply, obstructing a police officer in their duty, driving while disqualified, driving with no insurance and driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence.

He admitted the charges and appeared at Swansea Crown Court on Wednesday, May 19, where he was sentenced to 66 months in prison.

Speaking after sentencing, DI Jones said: “Edwards has significant history for possessing drugs with intent to supply, along with violent offences including stabbings and robberies in Cardiff.

“It is believed he was setting up a new county line in the Dyfed-Powys force area which has thankfully been disrupted at the earliest opportunity.

“His previous offending, and the fact he was wearing a stab vest on arrest, leaves me in no doubt that if he had been allowed to set up a county line in Dyfed-Powys, serious levels of violence would have been used at some stage.”

DI Jones thanked officers for their commitment and perseverance in this investigation.

“Uniformed officers were on constant observations with the suspect, while proactive policing team officers worked through weekend rest days to ensure we satisfied the courts we were conducting the investigation as diligently as possible,” he said.

“Edwards himself even commented to staff that he could not believe how thorough and persistent our teams were.

“We hope this sentence sends a clear message to drug traffickers that Dyfed-Powys Police will make it as difficult as possible for them to bring class A drugs into our force area.”


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