
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

WALES’ top public spending watchdog has asked South Wales Police to look into Porthcawl Town Council’s accounts.

Audit Wales, which is responsible for auditing public sector accounts in Wales, asked police to intervene as it has “concerns that could potentially fall outside of its remit to consider and bring to a conclusion”.

In a statement, Porthcawl Town Council said that the auditors “need to interview members and staff at the council to gain a complete view of certain events and decisions”.

It said that the auditors had been working on “an in-depth audit” of the council’s accounts for 2019/20.

It added that Audit Wales had asked South Wales Police “if it would be appropriate to progress to interviews” and the force “advised that they will now be taking this matter forward”.

It said: “Audit Wales and Porthcawl Town Council will assist South Wales Police fully with their enquiries.”

An Audit Wales spokesperson said:

“We’ve been completing an audit of Porthcawl Town Council’s accounts. South Wales Police are currently investigating matters further and we will be assisting the police fully with their enquiries. We cannot comment any further whilst the investigation is underway.”

South Wales Police has been contacted for comment.

The full statement from the council read:

Audit Wales has been undertaking an in-depth audit of the Town Council’s accounts for 2019/2020. Audit Wales has now arrived at a position where they will need to interview members and staff of the Council to gain a complete view of certain events and decisions. However, Audit Wales has some concerns which could potentially fall outside of their remit to consider and bring to a conclusion.

“Audit Wales have consulted with South Wales Police to see if it would be appropriate to progress to interviews. South Wales Police have advised that they will now be taking this matter forward. Audit Wales and Porthcawl Town Council will assist South Wales Police fully with their enquiries.”

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