
Wales News Online

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Police issue S35 dispersal order in Langland and Caswell Bays

FOLLOWING reports of anti-social behaviour and large groups congregating at Langland and Caswell Bays a Section 35 Dispersal Order will be in place covering the area from 3pm today (Tuesday June 16).

These orders under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 aims to ensure the safety of the public, and reduce the risk of any anti-social behaviour or disorder within this area.

The order gives a uniformed police officer the power to exclude a person from an area for a period of up to 48 hours by the issuing of a written notice.

The power is preventative and allows an officer to deal quickly with someone’s behaviour before it escalates. It is in addition to the current Covid-19 legislation.

Anyone enjoying the beach and not causing issues and adhering to the current Covid-19 legislation can continue to do so, the S35 Order is for those not only causing concerns for residents but also putting themselves at risk.

Local policing inspector Andy Harris said: “It has been disappointing that despite the current restrictions we are seeing an increase of anti-social behaviour in some areas of the Gower.

“Last night my teams attended a report of a gathering of around 100 people in Langland Bay and this unacceptable.

“These areas and the beaches should be there for all local residents to enjoy and behaviour such as underage drinking, fires causing criminal damage, fighting and foul and abusive language will not be tolerated.”

The dispersal notice will be reviewed after 48 hours and in addition to the Section 35 dispersal order, we will also be using powers to confiscate alcohol and if the behaviour meets criminal levels or the order is breached then prosecution will be considered.

Anyone with information on anti-social behaviour can call South Wales Police on 101.

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