
Wales News Online

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Police renew appeal for information on whereabouts of ‘missing’ Susan Smith

DYFED-POWYS Police has released more information on its investigation into missing person Susan Smith in the hope it encourages more witnesses to come forward.

Officers have so far traced Susan’s movements along the beach into Ferryside, where she was seen crossing the railway lines into the village. This was shortly before 3.40pm on Saturday, 27 February.

It is believed the 63-year-old had made her way back to the beach to a landmark known locally as Big Ben Rock at around 4pm.

Inspector Gerallt Jones said: “We are now appealing for anyone in those areas at the time to come forward if they have seen Susan or if they have any further information that may help with the investigation.

“We have received many calls regarding this matter and we would like to thank those people for helping us with our investigation.

“Extensive enquiries are still ongoing.”

Susan is known to walk along the beach to St Ishmaels and Ferryside and is described as approximately 5ft 2inches, petite, with shoulder length blonde hair and believed to be wearing black jeans, a black fleece type jacket and navy and grey walking boots.

Officers have carried out extensive searches of the surrounding area, as well as house-to-house enquiries. The search has been supported by Mountain Rescue, Coastguard, the NPAS helicopter, fire and rescue and specialist dogs.

Anyone who has seen Susan or may have information that could help the search is asked to contact us, quoting reference 285 of Saturday, 27th February.

You can contact us online at bit.ly/DPPContactOnline, by emailing 101@dyfed-powys.pnn.police.uk, or by calling 101. If you are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired text the non-emergency number on 07811 311 908.

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