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Police repay caring six-year-old’s kindness with lockdown surprise

A CARING six-year-old has had his good deed returned as Newtown police delivered a lockdown surprise.

Officers at Newtown Police Station were heartened when they received an unexpected care hamper from Kayden Powell during the summer Covid-19 lockdown.

The youngster had worked hard alongside his mother to put together three packages for emergency services workers, containing treats and fresh fruit to help keep them going and thank them for their efforts.

But what Kayden didn’t know, was that Dyfed-Powys Police officers were planning to return the thoughtful gesture.

Inspector Ed Bates said: “It was an unexpected, but much appreciated boost for the team.

“Kayden is only six years old, but he wanted to do something nice for emergency services workers who were out there protecting him and his family during the pandemic.

“He put together and dropped off handmade hampers at the police, fire and ambulance stations in Newtown.
“We were all very touched by his kindness, and we wanted to ensure he knew his good deed didn’t go unnoticed.”

Despite being reposted to Ammanford custody unit, Insp Bates was determined he and the team would repay Kayden for his selfless act, and put together a hamper of their own as a thank you.

However, on trying to deliver the parcel of sweets, cakes, biscuits, fruit and some toys, officers realised they had moved house.

“Fortunately, through some contacts I managed to find Kayden and his mother, and was able to pay them a visit,” he said.

“It was just a small gesture on our part to thank Kayden for thinking of us, and I would like to publicly thank him for being so caring and thoughtful.”

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