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Police stress message to ‘stay at home, protect NHS and save lives’ has not changed in Wales

SOUTH WALES POLICE are stressing that there is no new message here in Wales and we are continuing to ask our communities to follow Welsh Government legislation and guidance to help slow the spread of Coronavirus in Wales.

The force are also reminding residents outside of Wales that the travelling restrictions that have been lifted in England do not apply here – and anyone travelling into Wales will be subject to Welsh legislation.

Assistant Chief Constable Andy Valentine said: “While some very minor amendments to the Welsh legislation came in to force on Monday, the message to our communities remains consistent.”

“The vast majority of people have followed the guidance to Stay Home, Protect the NHS and Save Lives, and I echo the plea of colleagues in Welsh Government and the health service for everyone to continue doing so.

“I want to make it clear that it is Welsh Government legislation that is applicable here and our local communities should be adhering to the rules outlined by them.

“Likewise, anyone who travels into Wales will also be subject to Welsh legislation. Travelling into Wales for exercise or without a reasonable excuse is not permitted, and I appeal for the support of people living in England. By respecting the restrictions that are in place in Wales, they will help keep communities in both nations safe from Coronavirus.”

ACC Valentine’s message comes after four people travelled to the Vale of Glamorgan to paraglide off Nash Point.

The four – who had travelled from Monmouthshire, Gloucestershire, Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire respectively – were reported for summons before being told to return home.

Alun Michael, Police & Crime Commissioner for South Wales, added: “I want to make it crystal clear that here in Wales it is only Welsh Government legislation and guidance that applies, and I’d urge people not to get caught up with the changes being made outside of Wales.

“The message here has not changed; while there has been some very minor relaxation of the rules, the advice in Wales is to continue to Stay Home, Protect the NHS and Save Lives.

“Please only go out for the reasons which have been clearly set out, maintaining social distancing at all times, where practicable. If you are in any doubt, there’s a simple summary list on our website to help guide you. Clarification can also be sought from the Welsh Government website.

“The vast majority of people have taken their responsibility to follow the guidance very seriously over the past seven weeks and I’d appeal to them to continue doing what they are doing. While it can be frustrating, we know that it is making a positive difference, and we want to ensure the progress that we’ve made in preventing the spread of this virus in Wales is not lost.

“The daily business of policing, which includes everything from tackling violent crime, to drug supply, domestic abuse and modern slavery, has not stopped. Our officers, who are also part of our communities and have the same concerns about Coronavirus as the wider public, are working tirelessly to keep the communities of south Wales safe. Please do not make their roles more difficult than they already are by trying to find ways around the legislation.

“I appreciate there may be some confusion about who people in Wales should listen to and what guidelines apply to them, particularly with such widespread media reporting of the pandemic and the slightly differing approaches being taken by the home nations.

“Communities are reminded to adhere to the Welsh Government rules to avoid confusion about how they can safely – and legally – go about their lives during the pandemic.”

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