
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

THE Welsh Government said it expects that most pupils will have the chance to go to school at least three times before the summer break, but this depends on the individual school.

Returning pupils will find that their classrooms and general school environment will look very different due to the coronavirus pandemic. It could well be that their temperatures will be taken and there will be staggered starts and breaks.

Some of the changes will include smaller class sizes, with about a third of pupils in school at any one time, children working in smaller groups with fewer desks and also maintaining social distancing with pupils sitting apart.

There will be also more learning outdoors and pupils will be encouraged to carry out extra handwashing with hand sanitiser stations located on the premise. They will see also more cleaning going on in the classrooms and more generally around the school.

Welsh Government guidance says there is “no need” for staff or pupils to wear personal protective equipment” (PPE) unless providing “intimate care” to a child, such as helping them wash, eat or go to the toilet.

Schools have been open throughout the Covid lockdown, but only for pupils classed as vulnerable and for children of key workers.






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