
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

Dear Editor,

Residents in the Maesycoed and Iscoed area have just received a letter from Taylor Wimpey telling them that the changes they (TW) are making to connect the development site to the main sewer, which was granted by the Carmarthenshire County Council to last 4 days (and is now in it’s 8th day) will now continue until September 20th 2019.

During the first eight days of the closure of Maesycoed, vehicles are being allowed to travel the wrong way down a one way street, the Council say it for the Police to deal with and the Police say it is the responsibility of the Council.

With very many close calls where peoples safety is already being put at risk, I soon feel it will be the responsibility of an “undertaker”

There have been numerous complaints made about vehicular breaking of the Law – Highway Code long before the now very dangerous Maesycoed issues, the Council do what they have been absolutely brilliant for decades by adopting an “Ostrich Syndrome” by ignoring obvious dangers hoping that people who have a real fear of injury or death to others will go away.

Top of the list is the Highways Department, today I contacted this department and a County Councillor that represents our Ward also did the same, has there been any response or action – NO.

Our rates pay these people and the service we get is appalling.

On a final note of this complaint, the people who are carrying out the work are absolutely incompetent at best and do not have a clue, will the Council come in and pay for these repairs – YES

Why is the whole road closed, why not half first and then complete the other half.

This Council Officers can thank their lucky stars that I am not their CEO, they would have had their P45’s years ago


Ray Jones

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