
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

EMPTY buildings could be brought back into use in three Ceredigion towns with regeneration grants.

Tregaron, Llandysul and Lampeter are three designated regeneration zone towns eligible for funds available through the Growing Mid Wales partnership.

In Powys its Newtown, Brecon and Llandrindod Wells that are eligible.

Member for economy and regeneration Cllr Rhodri Evans told cabinet on Tuesday, June 4 that the fund aimed to “stimulate regeneration within town centres by bringing empty and underutilised town buildings back into economic use.”

This could be for commercial or residential purposes with the funds designed to “bridge a funding gap” where other loan finance has been exhausted.

He added: “There’s potential here, there’s a lot of empty buildings in these towns.”

Cabinet approved the proposal of two panel members for local assessments to be referred to a regional panel for decision, with Powys County Council the lead authority.

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