
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

The first day of the RWAS Autumn Equine Show has been deemed a success with all in attendance excited to be once again on the renowned Royal Welsh Showground in Llanelwedd

The Royal Welsh Agricultural Society are delighted that exhibitors, volunteers and members of the public have travelled to the Showground to be a part of this one and only two-day event.

After not being able to hold event on the Royal Welsh Showground since the 2019 Winter Fair due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the Society are overwhelmed by the support they have received on the first day of the Autumn Equine Show.

Many exhibitors arrived on the Friday evening with smiles on their faces as they met up with old friends and other competitors who have made the long awaited journey back to the Showground once again to compete for their respective prestigious titles at this year’s Equine Show.

As the competitions draw to a close on day one of the event, all are ready for what is set to be another exciting day tomorrow (19/09/2021). After receiving over 1200 entries for the competitions taking place it is once again a spectacle to see everyone competing in the three rings across the Showground.

Chris Davies, Assistant Honorary Director said; ‘We are blown away by the support we have received for the equine show, as the Royal Welsh Agricultural Society holds its first event since before the pandemic. We are all very thankful to all that have entered and also attended the equine show as they have been very understanding with the Society having to comply with the latest Welsh Government guidelines and also the implementing Track & Trace regulations around the Showground. Tickets are still available to purchase and are on sale until midday tomorrow through our website if you would like to join us on Sunday.’

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