
Wales News Online

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Leading pet charity, Blue Cross, in collaboration with Helen Mary Jones MS are searching for Wales’ most loyal pet who has supported its owner or the wider community during the coronavirus pandemic.

With research showcasing the positive impact between pet ownership and improved mental health, the competition seeks to celebrate pets who have been a positive influence on the mental health of its owners or wider community during the course of the pandemic.

Launching the competition locally Mid and West MS Helen Mary Jones said:

“I know how important pets are for people’s wellbeing, my own pet dog Sky, sadly no longer with us was an important part of our family. Everybody knows 2020 has been a difficult year for us all, and we know pets have helped so many with their mental health and wellbeing. I am delighted to be working with leading pet charity, Blue Cross to acknowledge and celebrate this contribution and we’re calling on people across the Mid and West region to nominate their covid hero – in order to find Wales’ most loyal pet.

“At a time when there is so much uncertainty in all of our lives and pressure on our wellbeing, this competition presents an excellent opportunity to recognise the applaud our pets for the positivity and happiness they bring into our lives.”

ITV Wales Weather Presenter Kelsey Redmore, one of the competition judges added:

“As a pet lover I’m pleased to be supporting Blue Cross in trying to find Wales’ most loyal pet. I know of so many individuals who have found much needed companionship and support from their pets in this most difficult year. They have been a lifeline for many, and we look forward celebrating the benefits of pet ownership in this special way.”

Speaking on behalf of Blue Cross, Head of Public Affairs Becky Thwaites added:

“We are encouraging nominations from pet owners and friends of pets from across Wales. Submissions are to be sent to your regional or constituency MSs or MPs. You should include a summary of why your pet should be considered “Wales Most Loyal Pet of 2020″, highlighting how it has had a positive impact on mental health and wellbeing over the course of the pandemic, you can also include a picture.”

The competition opens on the 11th of December, and closes on the 11th of January Please email your submissions to helenmary.jones@senedd.wales

The shortlisted nominees will be published on the 1st of February and winner announced on the 5th of February. The winner will receive amongst other things, a six-month subscription to Love Louie’s personalised pet boxes and vouchers for Pets at Home.

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