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VISITORS and residents are being urged to ‘Share with Care’ if they’re heading out on one of Swansea city’s growing network of off-road shared paths.

Swansea boasts some of the best-shared paths in Wales with some of the finest views and trails available anywhere.

And more people than ever have been discovering them for the first time during the pandemic as they look for ways to enjoy regular exercise by bike, walking, running or family time-out.

Now, as lockdown restrictions ease and the weather becomes more spring-like, Swansea Council is urging people to adopt the ‘Share with Care’ code so everyone can enjoy shared paths safely.

Visitors to the busy Swansea prom by West Cross, for example, will already have noted ‘Share with Care’ signs painted on the path loved by cyclists, dog-walkers and families alike.

And as the countdown to summer goes on and people get out and about on their bikes more users are being urged to follow the ‘Share with Care’ etiquette.

Stuart Davies, head of highways at Swansea Council, said:

“When people were being urged during the pandemic to exercise close to home, starting and finishing from their doorstep, we noticed a big rise in the number of people stepping out on our network of shared pathways, sometimes for the first time.

“That is very heartening because one of the main points of our network of shared paths is to encourage people to leave the car at home and get out and about by foot or by bike for short journeys and exercise.

“Now that spring is here and lockdown is easing, we’re expecting numbers using some of the most popular paths like the prom and the marina to rise.

“We want to play our part in ensuring all shared-path users – whether they’re new or seasoned users – can enjoy being out and about safely by joining the ‘Share with Care’ campaign.”

Share with Care, which has been adopted by councils, national parks and other landowners across the country, asks users to look out for each other and be kind when they’re using shared paths.

Common-sense advice includes asking walkers and runners to keep to the left except when overtaking as motorists do on roads, to keep an eye open for other users and to be polite.

Cyclists are urged to slow down and ring their bells when approaching others from behind while dog-owners are asked to keep their pets under control and clean up their poo.

Mr Davies added:

“Share with Care is about using shared paths safely so everyone can enjoy them this summer.”

More information about Swansea’s Active Travel programme is available here: https://www.swansea.gov.uk/activetravelschemes


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