
Wales News Online

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“Shocking admission” that Welsh Government didn’t ask for Mega Laboratory

THE Welsh Government has “given up on testing by showing passive resignation”, Plaid Cymru Leader Adam Price has said after the First Minister confirmed today that his Government hadn’t asked for a Mega Laboratory in Wales.

Two ‘mega laboratories’ with capacity to conduct tens of thousands of Covid-19 tests a day are already operating in England with a third on the way.

Scotland’s Mega Lab will be up and running by the end of the week and Northern Ireland has already establish a major laboratory in County Antrim.

Plaid Cymru Leader Adam Price added that it was concerning that scientists who had written to the Welsh Government six weeks ago “offering their expertise” in conducting tests in Wales had still not been given the go ahead.

Commenting on the First Minister’s admission that his Government hadn’t asked for such a facility in Wales Adam Price said,

“This is a shocking admission from the First Minister. Wales will be the only nation in these islands that will not have the capacity to conduct mass scale testing every day.”

“Having scrapped its testing targets earlier this week the Welsh Government has now given up on testing by showing passive resignation.

“Furthermore, it’s been almost six weeks since scientists wrote to the Welsh Government offering their expertise in conducting tests in Wales. Six weeks later, scientists still haven’t had the go ahead to conduct a single test on a key worker here in Wales.

“This is made all the more concerning as the latest figures show that were are actually going backwards on testing and not significantly increasing the number of tests as the Health Minister and First Minister have promised.”

“Is it really any wonder that Nobel prize-winning scientist Martin Evans has accused the Welsh and UK governments of a dereliction of duty when it comes making use of domestic assistance to address testing shortages?

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