
Wales News Online

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Shopmobility get a cash injection from the council

TWO Shopmobility schemes in Llanelli and Carmarthen are to benefit from nearly £30,000 thanks to Carmarthenshire County Council.

The two schemes in Carmarthen’s St Catherine’s Walk and Llanelli’s Cowell Street have each been awarded £14,650 grant funding.

The schemes lend scooters and wheelchairs to anyone with limited mobility so that they can have the freedom to go shopping in the town centres.

Shopmobility is one of many initiatives being supported by the council to assist the towns and is in line with the authority’s parking strategy priorities.

The council’s executive board member for transport, Cllr Hazel Evans said: “The scheme provides a valuable service for the mobility impaired and has been successful to date. Having this service is vital to people who have difficulty walking and without it they wouldn’t be able to enjoy our town centres.”

The council has supported the Shopmobility schemes since 2011.

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