
Wales News Online

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Sightings of cyclist sought in search for Mr Michael O’Leary

THE search for Michael O’Leary continues and as a result of information received police are releasing a CCTV image. The image shows a person cycling in the area between Capel Dewi and Cwmffrwd on Monday evening, 27th January.

DCI Paul Jones said

“Our priority now is to find Mr O’Leary and we are carrying out all possible enquiries in a bid to get answers for his family. This includes knowing more about the person pictured and any sightings of them. The person seems to be wearing a high visibility jacket . Although the image is not clear I’m hoping someone will have seen them. If anyone knows who the cyclist is, or saw the cyclist in the area, please contact police.

On Monday evening, 3rd February, officers carried out anniversary checks with drivers in the Cwmffrwd area, a week after the disappearance of Michael, in a bid to gather further information and to trace anyone who was in the area on Monday evening, 27th January.

DCI Paul Jones added

“During the checks police spoke to drivers and gleaned positive information in connection with the investigation. I would like to thank everyone for their patience as they waited to speak to officers.”

“We ask anyone who was in the area at the time, who hasn’t already spoken to us, to come forward. They may unwittingly have information that could help the investigation.”
“This clearly remains a very distressing time for his family and we continue to keep them updated.”

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