
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

ENROLMENT is now open for dozens of free courses being run in the summer term by Swansea Council’s Lifelong Learning Service.

The wide range of subject areas includes Art, Calligraphy, Yoga, IT, Essential Skills, Family Learning, Music, Digital Photography, Cookery, Floristry, Needlecraft and more.

The Service also provides Essential Skills classes in Literacy, Numeracy and Employability, supporting learners via a variety of both online and offline activities.

Just visit www.swansea.gov.uk/lifelonglearning to see the options available with courses starting from April 26.

Again due to current restrictions the courses are online but that did not stop last term’s learners’ enjoyment.

Those needing help to support friends or relatives to get online can fill out the form at www.swansea.gov.uk/getonline or phone 01792 637101 between 9.30 am and 4.00 pm on weekdays to request a callback.

Almost 900 people signed up during the spring term and almost two-thirds of those who responded to a recent survey stated they had never tried any kind of online learning before.

Feedback was overwhelmingly positive with over 93% of learners who completed the questionnaire rating the Lifelong Learning Service as ‘Very Good’ or ‘Good’.

As well as learning new skills the courses provide an opportunity for participants to meet fellow learners online and stay connected whilst Wales is in lockdown.

One learner said ‘It allowed me to develop very necessary online skills during the lockdown to be able to shop, bank remotely etc.’

Another added: ‘I’ve now tried a few different courses with Lifelong Learning and have been really impressed with the subjects available and the quality of the teaching’.

IT courses are designed for people at a range of levels and the service can also offer over the phone support to talk beginners through getting online to keep in touch with families or friends, shop online or use software and apps.



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