
Wales News Online

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South Wales Police make statement on Judicial Review on Facial Recognition

SOUTH WALES Police have made a statement on a Judicial Review on Facial Recognition

Deputy Chief Constable Richard Lewis said: “This Judicial Review process has allowed the court to scrutinise decisions made by South Wales Police in relation to facial recognition technology. We welcomed the Judicial Review and now await the court’s ruling on the lawfulness and proportionality of our decision making and approach during the trial of the technology.

“The force has always been very cognisant of concerns surrounding privacy and understands that we, as the police , must be accountable and subject to the highest levels of scrutiny to ensure that we work within the law. We have sought to be proportionate, transparent and lawful in our use of AFR (Automated Facial Recognition) during the trial period and have worked with many stakeholders to develop our approach and deployments. During this period we have made a significant number of arrests and brought numerous criminals to justice.

“We await the court’s judgement and guidance and will take full cognisance of its findings in any future use of the technology.”

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