
Wales News Online

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South Wales Police target speeding drivers based on intelligence from public

SOUTH Wales Police Roads Policing teams have carried out targeted operational activity to enforce speed limits and respond to anti-social vehicle behaviour, based on specific locations provided by communities across South Wales from 8 May – 31 May 2020.

The Force has worked in partnership with Go Safe to target areas of concern that the public highlighted to them via social media, interactions with local policing teams, and through their Public Service Centre. These areas were then patrolled by roads policing officers as part of Operation Surbiton.

Within this time period, officers dealt with over 400 offences of speeding, issued more than 250 warnings, over 50 traffic offence reports, and seized numerous vehicles for anti-social vehicle use during the lockdown period. In addition to this, other offences were detected, including drink and drug driving, and 12 arrests were made as a direct result of targeting the specific locations.

Leading on the operation, Inspector David Patalano said: “Roads policing officers have been out in communities engaging, educating and enforcing during this unprecedented time.

“We are listening and responding to the publics concerns about speeding and anti-social vehicle use, and carried out this operational activity to keep the roads safe for all road users.

“Speed enforcement is not in place to target key workers – it is purely aimed at reinforcing the law, government guidelines and the speed limit to all.

“We always aim to prevent dangerous driving, and we will take action if people are putting others at risk.”

The safety of road users remains a priority for South Wales Police, and officers continue to work hard to meet the needs of all our communities during this challenging period.

Anyone with concerns about speeding in their community is encouraged to contact Go Safe via https://gosafe.org/contact-us/community-concern/, or contact South Wales Police on 101, or on 999 if causing immediate danger.

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