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St Teilo Catholic Primary virtual sports day praised by Welsh Education Minister

ST Teilo’s Catholic Primary School in Tenby did not want pupils to miss out on Sports Day, the highlight of the summer term, so they set about developing a fun alternative.

The school’s innovative Virtual Sports Day has won praise from the Welsh Education Minister, Kirsty Williams who commented:

“Many congratulations on such a successful and inspirational event.”

 Headteacher Angela Nicholls said Adam Stephens came up with the idea for the Virtual Sports Day.

The staff videoed themselves setting up challenges for the children, who could earn points for their respective teams by taking part at home and uploading their videos on to the digital learning platform Hwb.

The Virtual Sports Day video challenge from the teachers can be seen on the school’s YouTube channel:

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcQotTX5rYzaK6stYu_hq8g and the children’s efforts at https://www.facebook.com/StTeilosCPSchoolTenby/

The fun challenges included trying to beat members of staff in jumping, beanbag races, cartwheels, and that much-loved Sports Day favourite, the egg and spoon race.

Mrs. Nicholls said: “Mr. Stephens collated the scores and put together a video of the children’s responses to the challenges set.

“We had a very high percentage of pupil uptake and even some parents joined in.”

The school shared their Virtual Sports Day with the Education Minister, Kirsty Williams MS.

The Minister replied: “I was delighted to see how learners and teachers engaged so enthusiastically with this excellent initiative and the ways in which it helped the children develop a wide range of skills.

Mrs. Nicholls added: “We are thrilled that Kirsty Williams acknowledged our efforts to try and make some sort of ‘normality’ for our pupils in these unprecedented times.”

The school’s efforts have also been praised by Pembrokeshire County Council’s Acting Director for Children and Schools, Steven Richards-Downes: “We are delighted that this innovative work has been recognised by the Education Minister.

“It is another good example of how schools in Pembrokeshire have responded during the lockdown period.”

 Cllr Guy Woodham, the Cabinet Member for Education and Lifelong Learning added: “I am always pleased when Welsh Government recognise some of the many achievements of Pembrokeshire schools and learners especially when that achievement is innovative and demonstrates the progressive way in which education is advancing in Pembrokeshire.”

“A big well done and thank you from me to St Teilo’s”

The Virtual Sports Day video challenge from the teachers can be seen on the school’s YouTube channel:

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcQotTX5rYzaK6stYu_hq8g and the children’s efforts at https://www.facebook.com/StTeilosCPSchoolTenby/

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